@article{oai:ous.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000791, author = {Tachibana, Hirohisa and Tachibana, Hirohisa}, journal = {岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学, Bulletin of Okayama University of Science. A, Natural Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), We investigate the algebra of generalized quaternionic unitary spinors (GQUSs) which are two-component generalized quaternionic objects subjected to U(2 ; H_<(λ)>) transformation, where H_<(λ)> is a set of generalized quaternions whose imaginary units i, j, and k have the relations i^2=-1,j^2=-λ, ij=-ji=k and λ=±1. We investigate the case of λ=-1 for which the isomorphism U(2 ; H_<(-1)>) ≅ SO (3,2) or anti-de Sitter group holds. Furthermore, in this case, we discuss a simple connection between GQUSs and a time-like geodesic in anti-de Sitter space-time.}, pages = {157--166}, title = {On Generalized Quaternionic Unitary Spinors}, volume = {23}, year = {1988}, yomi = {タチバナ, ヒロヒサ} }