@article{oai:ous.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000548, author = {岡本, 香 and Okamoto, Kaori}, journal = {岡山理科大学紀要, The Bulletin of the Okayama University of Science,}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), This study was designed to know the flora and distribution of Carex species in Shikoku of Japan. The collection and investigation of Carex species were carried out during 1959-1977. Mt.Ishizuchi and Mt.Tsurugi have been known as a seminational park with the mountain worship of historic relics and the natural views. At present, 42 species and 4 varieties of Carex were recognized in the mountain systems of Mt.Ishizuchi and Mt.Tsurugi}, pages = {145--150}, title = {四国産スゲ属植物(II)}, volume = {13}, year = {1978}, yomi = {オカモト, カオリ} }