@article{oai:ous.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000447, author = {岡本, 香 and Okamoto, Kaori}, journal = {岡山理科大学紀要, Bulletine of Okayama University of Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), The Island of Awaji situated in the Inland Sea of Japan has been known as a tourist resort with places of scenic and historic interest. In August 1973,a collection and investigation of Carex species in the Awaji district was carried out. As a result of investigation, 33 species and 3 varieties of Carex are recognized.}, pages = {39--44}, title = {淡路島のスゲ属植物}, volume = {9}, year = {1973}, yomi = {オカモト, カオリ} }