@article{oai:ous.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001104, author = {藤木, 利之 and Fujiki, Toshiyuki and 三好, 教夫 and Miyoshi, Norio and 中村, 隆昭 and Nakamura, Takaaki}, journal = {岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学, Bulletin of Okayama University of Science. A, Natural Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), The Sea of Hiuchi (coordinates N 34°23', E133°24') is situated in the middle part of the Inland Sea, western Japan. A core 465cm long containing clay deposits was sampled from marine sediments at 22m in depth by the marine research ship of Tokai University at the Sea of Hiuchi. On the basis of the results of pollen and spore analysis, four local pollen assemblage zones (HI) coordinating two Japanese standard pollen zones (R) of the post-glacial period were recognized. HI-4 Cyclobalanopsis, Castanopsis, Lepidobalanus stages (465-410cm in depth, R-II a zone) HI-3 Cyclobalanopsis, Castanopsis, Tsuga stages (410-230cm in depth, R-II b zone) HI-2 Pinus, Tsuga, Cyclobalanopsis, Castanopsis stages (230-60cm in depth, R-III a zone) HI-1 Pinus, Tsuga stages (60-10cm in depth, R-III b zone) Comparison with the results of pollen analysis from the Chugoku and Shikoku districts surrounding the Inland Sea shows that the present core contains a vegetational history spanning approximately seven thousand years. This means that the sampling area would have been terrestrial without accumulating work during the last glacial period, and would have started to accumulate in the Inland Sea, increasing its transgression after the post-glacial period. Fossil pollen grains of Pinus and Tsuga with air sacs may be included excessively in marine sediments as compared with terrestrial sediments. On the other hand, the grains of deciduous broad-leaved trees such as Lepidobalanus, Carpinus, and herbs such as Compositae, Gramineae, may be included too little in the marine sediments.}, pages = {153--159}, title = {海底堆積物の花粉分析学的研究 1.燧灘(愛媛県)}, volume = {30}, year = {1995}, yomi = {フジキ, トシユキ and ミヨシ, ノリオ and ナカムラ, タカアキ} }